Wednesday 18 January 2012

Interviews for University

So, with the textiles exam being over with, I'm glad to finally start focusing on my University Portfolio. I now have two interviews and the excitment, as well as the nerves, is sitting in. A lot of those in my year have similar interviews so I'm glad that I've got people to talk it over with, share ideas with and get pointers off. As well as that I have some reat teachers, one who was even the one to mention some helpful pointers about my portfolio.
Best work at the beginning. And then just let it all go downhill :3 Kidding, but she really did suggest to put your best work at the beginning and the end, not only is it a good first impression but it leaves a good lasting impression, especially when the unis will be interviewing thosands of students, it's good to be unique.
My media teacher also suggested that if your not sure what to wear, go smart. Its better to look over dressed than under dresed, it shows your really taking the interview seriously as well as putting effort into your appearance. Plus first impressions will last, they want someone who looks like they can be relied upon and do the work, not someone who just rolls out of bed.
I hope this was helpful to anone reading :)

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